Teaching at Soul Studio

Here you can find all important information you will need as a member of Soul Studio Zug.

Soul Studio Zug is a place where teachers work independently (self-employment), teach their skills and co-create a community space in the heart of Zug.

You can either rent a weekly slot or single slots at the studio. As a teacher with a weekly class you are part of the inner circle and you benefit from the following additional services:

  • display of your regular and private classes, workshop, and retreats on the Soul Studio website

  • display of your teacher profile on the Soul Studio website

  • option to offer donation-based Community Classes at no cost.

  • special rates for renting the studios for extra workshops or events

  • promotion of your offering on our Instagram and occasional Newsletter.

  • freedom in teaching: you teach what you do best in line with our studio values.

  • co-creating and being an essential part of our conscious community

Teaching at Soul Studio Zug
- what we expect

What do we expect from a teacher:

  • Highly motivated and interested in being an active part of our Soul Studio Community.

  • A passion for creating a nourishing space where people can connect to themselves and to others.

  • Taking care of our little studio as if it were your own. Being responsible

  • Stamina to build up a class. It takes time and dedication. But remember: no matter how many students show up in the beginning, you are making a difference. What you teach is pure medicine for our times.

  • A verification that you are registered in Switzerland as a freelance Teacher (that is normally that you are registered with the SVA of the canton you live in) if you make more than 2’000chf a year with teaching.

  • Open, honest & swift communication with the core team of the Soul Studio, being Désirée, Deddou and Ursi. You can always reach us here: soulstudiozug@gmail.com

How to take care of the Studio space

We celebrate being mindful, respectful and taking care of things and one another.

We therefore ask you to take care of the Soul Studio as if it was your own. And in a way it is.

You are a vital part of our community. Your presence, energy and essence shapes this room and the people who come in contact with it.

Please find any cleaning products in the “pink” cupboard and the vacuum cleaner & Swifer in the open cupboard.

How to get in

1 - Main Door: Press “Speck” and “Hess” at the same time. The door will automatically unlock.

2 - There is a key box on the 5th floor in the hallway. To unlock the code is: 4625

Unlock the main door, place the wooden door stopper in and place the key back in its box. Like this you can not look yourself out (which can be an issue).

3 - Find the key for the studio door in the wooden chest. It has a yellow ribbon.

4 - There are 2 keys in the studio to open the cupboards outside the studio. The pink key opens the cupboard in the middle with tea, tea kettle, cups, cleaning material. The brown key opens the cupboard on the left with all the props in it.

Roles within the Soul Studio Team

Although we co-create and work closely together, certain roles and responsibilites lie with each one of us.

You can always contact us via soulstudiozug@gmail.com and depending on the subject Désiree, Deddou or Ursi will get back to you.

Désirée: Community Events & Finances

If you want to organize a community event or have a question with regards to your payments, please contact Désirée.

Deddou: HR & Studio

New teachers are welcomed and shown around by Deddou. And if you have questions with regards to your slot, the studio and its props, you can always contact Deddou.

Ursi: Marketing & Website

For additional workshops and events, as well as any update on our Soul Studio Website, please contact Ursi. She is also in charge of marketing in general.


Feel free to post about your classes, workshops via Instagram Feed and Story. You can also link Soul Studio Zug on your account postings.

Please use the hashtags: #soulstudio and #soulstudiozug

This is the Link to our Account: https://www.instagram.com/soulstudiozug/

Account: soulstudiozug
Password: tFY-B6acCohZPq9VW

Booking and prices


As a Soul Studio teacher you can either book a weekly slot or book our studio for a single workshop or event.

If you would like to book the Studio for a single slot, please have a look at the Google calendar and check if your preferred date and time is available. When you’ve found a slot you can reserve it with sending an e-mail to: soulstudiozug@gmail.com

📩 In the email please state:

- the requested date and time
- details & description of the planned event for the website
- include 1-2 pictures or Canva flyer.


For weekly classes

  • Rent a whole evening from 4.30pm: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday for 160chf/month (equivalent to 40chf per evening)

  • Rent an evening slot, i.e. share the evening with someone else - approximate times: Slot 1 from 4.30pm to 6.45pm // Slot 2 from 7.00pm with lessons starting at 7.15pm: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday or short Saturday morning slot for 120chf/month (equivalent to 30chf per class)

  • Rent a half-day slot: Morning or afternoon during the week or on Saturday / Sunday afternoon for 100chf/month (equivalent to 25chf per slot)

  • Rent a 60-90min slot during a weekday for a private class (max. 2ppl) for 72chf/month (equivalent to 18chf per slot)

For single workshops or events

Rent the Soul Studio for a workshop: On Thursday evening, Friday evening and Sunday morning or afternoon.

Price for Soul Studio teachers with a weekly slot:

  • 22chf for a private class (max. 2ppl) up to 90min

  • 45chf for an evening or half day slot

  • 80chf for a full day

  • 150chf for the weekend

Price for external teachers:

  • 30chf for a private class (max. 2ppl) up to 90min

  • 65chf for an evening or half day slot

  • 120chf for a full day

  • 200chf for the weekend

For donation-based Community Classes

Rent the Soul Studio for a donation-based, community class for the Soul Studio community: free of charge 

📩 To book your Community Class, see when the studio is free in our Google Calendar and send an email to soulstudiozug@gmail.com, with the following:

- the requested date and time
- details & description of the planned Community event for the website
- include 1-2 pictures or Canva flyer.


For teachers with a weekly slot

Please set up a standing order /“Dauerauftrag” for your monthly rent payment. The rent is due on the 28th of the previous month. Thank you.

You will receive a list of all your payments for your book-keeping at the end of the year or at the end of your last month teaching at the Soul Studio during the year.

Renting the studio for a private class or single workshop

Please pay the rent when you reserve the date for your private class or workshop.

Our Account details:

NEW: Account number: CH22 0078 7786 2895 9140 7

Bank: Zuger Kantonalbank, Bahnhofstrasse 1, 6301 Zug

Name and Adress: Conscious Community Zug, Zeughausgasse 9, 6300 Zug

Cancellation policy

You cancel a class / Ausfall einer Lektion

There will probably be days where your class won’t take place, due to you having other engagements, being on holidays or being ill. Please let us know any dates when your class doesn’t take place, so we can take this class out of our Google Calendar.

No longer wish to teach at the Soul Studio?
Cancel your weekly class

If you would like to stop teaching your weekly class, we please ask you to let us know as soon as possible, so we can start looking for a new teacher to take over your class. You can cancel at the end of each month with a 1-month cancellation period.

Cancel a workshop or event

Internal cancellation policy for workshops and events:

To cancel an event or workshop, send an email to soulstudiozug@gmail.com

  • Cancellation for events

    • Up to 10 days before the event: no charge

    • Up to 7 days before the event: 25% of the total rent.

    • Up to 3 days before the event: 50% of the total rent.

    • 2 days before event: 100% of the total rent.

Canva Template

Please use the Soul Studio Canva Template to create your online Flyers for your offerings at the Soul Studio.

Feel free to also share your online Flyers on our Instagram Account.


  • The Soul Studio is 31m2 and has space for 8 yoga mats.

    If you do a workshop where people are seated you can have 10 -12 participants.

  • The core team of the Soul Studio is made up of 3 people: Ursi Häusler, Deddou Schaller and Désirée Kalender. If you wish to contact us use the Soul Studio Email: soulstudiozug@gmail.com

  • There are plenty of blocks, 10 bolsters, 8 belts, 8 blankets and 8 yoga mats.

  • If you earn more than 2’500chf a year with your yoga classes you need to register with the “Ausgleichskasse” Zug as a self-employed yoga teacher.

    Find all details here: https://www.akzug.ch/produkte/ahv-beitraege-ahv/selbstaendigerwerbende/

  • Unfortunately, there is no functioning elevator to use to get to the 5th floor.

    You and your students have to walk up the stairs - which is a great warm-up, by the way.

  • Yes, we do. Just scroll down and download the images you need.

    We also ask you to use our Canva Template to create online Flyers in the look and feel of the studio.

  • We believe in sharing resources and growing and learning together. Outside of the Soul Studio are a selection of books. You and your students can take books, read them and bring them back after.

    If you have any “healthy lifestyle”-related books you no longer need, please bring them to the studio to share with the community.

  • At the Soul Studio we are all about Community and encourage you to create workshops and classes for our whole community. Please contact Désirée with your ideas to book a time and date. Feel free to co-create with other soul studio teachers. Renting the studio for donation-based Community Classes is free.

  • A insurance is recommended, however not mandatory.

    An example of an insurance, in german “Berufshaftpflichtversicherung”:


  • Yes, we are happy to rent the studio space for a single workshop to external teachers. Find prices above. Your friend can contact us on soulstudiozug@gmail.com to book a slot.

  • All payments go to:

    CH22 0078 7786 2895 9140 7

    Bank: Zuger Kantonalbank, Bahnhofstrasse 1, 6301 Zug

    Name und Adresse: Conscious Community Zug, Zeughausgasse 9, 6300 Zug

    Please write an email to Désirée if you require a invoice: soulstudiozug@gmail.com

  • We are always open to hear your ideas and create something together. Please don’t hesitate to contact us: soulstudiozug@gmail.com

  • There is no Wifi at the Studio as we believe it is not necessary and only disturbing the vibe in the Studio. For Workshops and presentations we recommend you create a hotspot with your mobile phone.

  • We encourage any community aspect in the studio. There is a tea kettle, cups and a selection of teas in the cupboard of the studio. You can make tea for your students and invite them to stay and connect after class. If you would like to serve snacks, please bring them yourself. We also ask you to clean up after serving tea and snacks.

  • Yes, there is a designated area where you can place your flyers at the studio.

  • The toilets are on the 5th floor behind a door between the 2 elevators. Our toilet is the one on the right. There is a sign “Soul Nourishment” at the door.

    Please emphasise to your students to block the door to the stairwell when they go to the toilet. When this door closes they can no longer get back into the studio.

  • We currently don’t have any speakers at the studio. Please bring your own.

Pictures for you to use

Download any of the following images to promote your classes at the Soul Studio.


Do you have any questions?

If you have any further questions, you are not feeling comfortable or just want to let us know something, please get in contact with us.